Thursday, July 28, 2011


Well I guess I'd have to say I took a bit of a baby hiatus from my blog....

Since my daughter is 14 months old now, I figured it might be time to get started again.

I'd have to say that I'm into Thrift Store Shopping now more than ever! Before my daughter was born I was out and about when I decided to make a quick stop at my local Salvation Army Family Store. As I do most times, I went right to the back of the store to look at the furniture and larger items that they had up for sale. It was then that I spotted it.....a beautiful (well maybe not so beautiful) Rocker/Glider Chair. I looked it over a few times, and finally decided not to get it.

It was only after I left the store and proceeded to drive 1/2 way home that I decided I really wanted the chair. It was just a few days before New Years and the store was having a sale that everything was 25% off.

I had made up my mind...the chair was MINE. I drove back to the store, walked right in and told them what I wanted. Luckily there was a very kind worker that was willing to help me get it into my car, so off I was with my Glider/Rocker for $24.97.

Now, I knew all along that I wanted to reupholster the cushions.....they were dull and dingy, and I definitely wanted to spruce up the chair. With the help of an awesome co-worker, I had the cushions re-upholstered.

My husband and I spent a not so fun day spray painting the chair, and with was complete!!

Needless to say, my daughter has changed the way I Thrift Store shop, and she's given me a reason to find other shopping styles that I didn't even know existed....more to come on that :)

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