Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It's just amazing to me when I hear people say that they would never shop at a thrift store. I think most people have such a bad idea of what a thirft store really is. I would have to say that anyone who turns their back on a thrift store, must have never even given thrift store shopping a chance.

Most of the thrift stores that I shop in are nationwide "chains". My top two thrift stores are Goodwill and Salvation Army Family Store. Both have their good points and their not so good points, but in the end they are, as a whole, some of the best thrift stores I've been at.

On a recent trip to a local Goodwill store, I hit quite the jackpot in the handbag section. I don't remember what I was even going for, or if it was even anything in particular; but I'm sure glad I went.

There was a woman next to me looking at the hand bags. As always I took a look at what she was looking at. She was in the area of the black bags, she picked one up, asked her teenage daughter what she thought of it, put it in her pile, and moved on. I quickly moved over to where she was (I know like the old lady slot machine stalker) and looked over the black handbags. I spotted one that looked pretty nice from a distance. It was only the 2nd bag back on the rack, and when I pulled it out, I realized what I had just found. It was a mint condition Cole Haan handbag. Thats right, a Cole Haan handbag. A bag that probably cost over $200 when it was purchased new; and I just found it with a tag that read "$4.97".

I was in shock. In shock that I found it, in shock that the woman who was just looking at the bags before me didn't even pull it off the rack, and in shock that I was going to get this bag for under $5.

I think this trip to the thrift store taught me one other good lesson. Even those who shop at the thrift stores don't do it for all the right reasons. Now, I'm not saying that I am the perfect thrift store shopper, but I do feel that I am pretty good at what I do.

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