Wednesday, February 10, 2010


It's just amazing to me when I hear people say that they would never shop at a thrift store. I think most people have such a bad idea of what a thirft store really is. I would have to say that anyone who turns their back on a thrift store, must have never even given thrift store shopping a chance.

Most of the thrift stores that I shop in are nationwide "chains". My top two thrift stores are Goodwill and Salvation Army Family Store. Both have their good points and their not so good points, but in the end they are, as a whole, some of the best thrift stores I've been at.

On a recent trip to a local Goodwill store, I hit quite the jackpot in the handbag section. I don't remember what I was even going for, or if it was even anything in particular; but I'm sure glad I went.

There was a woman next to me looking at the hand bags. As always I took a look at what she was looking at. She was in the area of the black bags, she picked one up, asked her teenage daughter what she thought of it, put it in her pile, and moved on. I quickly moved over to where she was (I know like the old lady slot machine stalker) and looked over the black handbags. I spotted one that looked pretty nice from a distance. It was only the 2nd bag back on the rack, and when I pulled it out, I realized what I had just found. It was a mint condition Cole Haan handbag. Thats right, a Cole Haan handbag. A bag that probably cost over $200 when it was purchased new; and I just found it with a tag that read "$4.97".

I was in shock. In shock that I found it, in shock that the woman who was just looking at the bags before me didn't even pull it off the rack, and in shock that I was going to get this bag for under $5.

I think this trip to the thrift store taught me one other good lesson. Even those who shop at the thrift stores don't do it for all the right reasons. Now, I'm not saying that I am the perfect thrift store shopper, but I do feel that I am pretty good at what I do.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Recent Goodwill Find!!!

Ok, so the other day I happen to be running some errands that took me right past what can only be described as the BEST GOODWILL EVER!! My husband asked if I was going to stop there while I was out and about, for some reason, I hadn't really even thought about it. (Thank goodness for the husband...he really came thru this time).

So, I made my way thru the errands, and found myself in the parking lot at Goodwill. I almost get a little bit of a high just walking thru the parking lot.

Anyway, I made my way inside and right to the Maternity rack. Some how I remember it having a much large selection before I had the need to shop from it. I found a pair of Old Navy Denim Capris, so I grabbed them and kept moving.

I though to check out the baby products, but was extremely dissapointed when I came out of that dept. empty handed. I moved right on to the shoes....

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a beautiful looking black pump. Thats right "a" black pump. I saw the Nicole Miller markings on the inside, 8-1/2 size on the bottom, and grabbed it. (Yes, still "it"). I roamed the rest of the shoe racks, dying to find it's match. After 3 runs thru the rack, I spotted it. My pair was complete. I had reach a new high at this point. I had just nabbed a perfect pair of Nicole Miller Black Pumps for $3.97. I was in thrift store heaven.

I browsed around a little more. Came up with a great Armani Exchange top that I plan on posting on Ebay in the near future, and a few other picks for myself.

Now, I've been shopping at Goodwill stores for a few years now, and every time I get rung up at the registers, they ask me if I have a Shoppers Card, my automatic response has always been, "No, thanks anyway". For some reason I never thought the $4.50 was worth it. Well I finally kicked that bad habit, and got the card. Not only did I save 1/2 off my denim capris and a blazer, I also got the Armani shirt for $1.75. Talk about potential profit!!

All in all it was a great surprise shopping trip. I left spending just over $15, with a huge bag full of goodies in my hands. Gotta love a great Goodwill day!!

PS: 5 months pregnant, still in my pumps :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Post -- Very Exciting!!

Yeah! I'm so excited to start my blog!!

After spending 2 years in fashion school, and leaving the industry for the past 7 years, I've come full circle and can't seem to get enough fashion!!

I've taken a whole new approach to my love of fashion. I've discovered Thift Store shopping!! It has not only enhanced my wardrobe to levels I never thought possible, but it's actually given me another source of income.

1/2 of my Thrift Store finds stay in my closet and are loved more than they ever could have been if they were purchased at retail prices. The other 1/2 are purchased for the sole purpose of resale for profit.

It's really become my favorite hobby, and I thought that the best way to share my love for it would be to start a blog and give others an inside look at the wonderful world of Thrift Store shopping.